How Do I?

Using the Library

Here is useful information about how to use the library.

Asking questions

Using the Library

Here is useful information about how to use the library.

Digital Library Card

If you don’t already have a library card, you can register for a digital library card for use with most of our online resources, like Kentucky Libraries Unbound (ebooks), Comics Plus (comics), New York Times and Wall Street Journal (newspapers) and more!

To register for a digital library card you must be at least 13 years of age and either:

  • Live, Work, or Study in Boyle County.
  • Live in one of our consortium counties: Anderson, Bourbon, Casey, Clark, Estill, Fayette, Franklin, Garrard, Harrison, Jessamine, Lincoln, Madison, Mercer, Nicholas, Powell, Scott, Washington, Woodford.

This system is automated, so you can sign up anytime from anywhere, and can begin using your digital library card immediately. Just go to to register. The digital card is valid for 1 year, but may be renewed by calling the library.

The digital library cards are for digital items and resources only. If you want to check out physical items, you can upgrade to a physical card. Visit for more information.

People who live, work, or study in Boyle County may obtain a library card. People who live in a county that is a member of our consortium may obtain a card. A photo ID and proof of current address is required to receive a new or replacement card. For your protection, report a lost or stolen card immediately. You are responsible for all items charged to your card.

People who are visiting Boyle County for an extended stay and those without a permanent address may obtain a temporary library card that is valid for 30 days and is renewable. With a temporary card, patrons can check out three items the first day and have up to 10 items on their card. Contact the Library for more information.

Minors (under age 18) may receive a library card with parent or guardian signature.

You may borrow three items the first time your card is used if you have provided proof of address. If no proof of address is provided, your card will be mailed to you. Thereafter, the scheduled number of items (as shown on the loan and fine schedule located below) may be charged to your card.

Loan Schedule
Type Max Checkouts by Type Loan Periods Notes
  • PlayAways
  • Books On CD
35 - Books
10 - Audiobooks, Magazines
28 days 2 Renewals, Holdable
DVD 10 14 days 2 Renewals, Holdable
Book Kits 1 42 days No Renewals, Holdable, Adult Card Only
Library of Things
  • Ukuleles
  • History Crates
3 28 days 2 Renewals, Holdable, Adult Card Only
Interactive Media
  • Book/CD Combos
  • Wonderbooks
  • Launchpads
1 14 Days No Renewals, Holdable
Lucky Day Books 3 28 days No renewals, Not Holdable

Feeling Lucky? Extra copies of in-demand books only available on the shelves.
Puzzles 2 28 days 1 Renewal, Not Holdable
Special Items
  • Seeds
  • Paperback Books
No Limit No Limit These items aren't checked out to your account. Enjoy paperbacks at your own pace! Return them whenever you're done. Seeds are yours to keep.

Items that are checked out may be reserved online by visiting the My Account link at the top of the page.

Renewals: If an item is about to become overdue, it will be automatically renewed for an additional 28 days as long as there hasn’t been a hold placed on the item. Items will be renewed twice before a reminder notice is sent. Items can also be renewed at the My Account link, or by calling the library.

No overdue fines are being charged by the library. If items are damaged or not returned, you will be charged for replacement. Click HERE for more info about the Library going Fine Free.

If you have lost your library card and wish to replace it, the cost is $1.00, plus any fines on the existing card in the system.

If you are under the age of 18, you will once again need to have a parent or guardian to sign for you.

If you have moved since you had your other card, you will need to bring in proof of address (post marked mail to your current address)

The Library maintains meeting rooms for library and community use. If you are interested in reserving a meeting room, please call us at 859-238-7323.

Heart of Danville Community Room (maximum occupancy 106*, 1140 Square Feet): 106 chairs, 12 6-foot tables, wireless Internet, audio system, PC laptop, ceiling-mounted screen, data projector, speakers, DVD player, portable dry-erase board, located adjacent to galley kitchen with refrigerator, sink, and microwave.

Community Room

R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. Conference Room (maximum occupancy 49*, 648 Square Feet): 12 ½ foot conference table, 14 cushioned chairs, 35 additional chairs, portable screen, data projector, portable dry-erase board, wireless Internet, located adjacent to galley kitchen with refrigerator, sink, and microwave.

Conference Room

The Map Room (maximum occupancy 8): Located in the 5th Level, the Map Room is ideal for small group meetings or study sessions of 2-6 people. One 6-foot table, 5 chairs and 2 cushioned benches; wireless internet.

The Map Room interior

*Please note: Maximum occupancy limits meet fire code safety standards. Parties using the meeting rooms may prefer a lesser occupancy maximum depending on Covid19 circumstances. Masks are optional.

The Library offers notary services, which are free of charge. Library notaries are typically available during normal business hours, Monday through Friday. It is recommended that patrons seeking notary services call ahead to verify availability.

Library notary guidelines:

  • Valid photo identification is required of any patron seeking notary service. Notaries cannot pre-date or post-date an action, prepare a legal document, or give advice on legal matters, or notarize documents in which they have a personal interest. 
  • Since the notary must be able to read and understand what he or she has been asked to notarize, documents in any language other than English will not be notarized at the Library. 
  • The Library will not provide witnesses, and witnesses may not be solicited from patrons using the Library. In order to serve as a witness, the witness must personally know the person whose document is being notarized and must be in possession of valid photo identification. 
  • Notaries will not provide service if a patron, document, or circumstance of the request for notary service raise any issue of authenticity, ambiguity, doubt, or uncertainty for the library. In this event, the Library notary may, at his or her sole discretion, decline to provide notary service. 
  • Notary service is not available for deeds, titles, wills, living wills, codicils, depositions, mortgages, or other real estate closing documents.

We gladly accept volunteers depending on the need. Please see the Circulation Desk to apply or email

Volunteer Guidelines

The Boyle County Public Library welcomes volunteers from the community to assist staff with day-to-day routines and procedures. Through the volunteer program, the Library hopes to provide a meaningful work experience for the volunteer that also complements the Library’s programs and services.

Please note the following when considering volunteer work at the Boyle County Public Library:

Anyone age 18 or older may apply to be a volunteer at the Library by filling out a volunteer application. [Download Here]

The Volunteer Coordinator oversees the assignment of volunteer duties and works with the volunteer to find projects and activities that are of mutual interest and benefit. Volunteer hours will be scheduled at the discretion of the Library and according to the availability of the volunteer.

Volunteer tasks will vary, depending on the current activities in the Library. Examples of tasks include shelving books or AV materials, sorting paperbacks, dusting shelves, organizing magazines, and “reading” shelves (putting in exact order).

Volunteers are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner and follow standards of appropriate behavior and attire while completing their volunteer duties. In certain cases a volunteer may be asked to complete a background check (if volunteering in the Children’s Library, for example).

Please note that the Friends of the Boyle County Public Library also welcome volunteers in their programs and services. Please check the “Friends” section of the Library website for further information.

Make Tech Work for You

For adults age 18 & over, Internet Accessible computers are free to use with a Library card in good standing or a photo I.D. For minors age 17 & under, access to the Internet must be authorized in person by a parent or guardian. Subsequent use of the Internet by a minor is allowable with a Library card in good standing or a photo I.D. 

There are 17 terminals throughout the building used to access the Library’s catalog.

The Library has 37 Internet accessible public computers located on the 5th floor.

The public computers located on the 5th floor have the following software installed: Windows 10, Microsoft Office Pro 2016(including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Access), Adobe PDF reader, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome (Internet browsers).

The Children’s Library has 4 touch screen Early Literacy Systems and 3 touch screen After School Edge systems. These computers are not Internet accessible and are free to use.

The Children’s Library also has 5 Internet accessible computers; however these computers can only access library approved websites.

Internet Access and Safety Policy

The Library offers publicly available copy/print, fax, and scan services.

Copy/print and scan services are on the 5th floor at the Computer Services desk.

Fax services are available at the circulation desk in the lobby.

Printing is also available from your own device while in the Library.  Just visit while in the building and follow the instructions to submit a print job.

Black and white copies/prints - 10 cents per printed side.

Color copies/prints - 10 cents per printed side.

Receive a fax - first 10 pages per day are free, then $1 per page.

Send a fax - $1 per fax.

All scans are free

Wi-Fi is available for free throughout the library building, and parking lot. The network is called PublicLibraryWireless and does not require a password to connect.

Boyle County Public Library map showing Wi-Fi access across the entire parking area.

Our Rules

The purpose of this policy is to guide the Boyle County Public Library staff in the selection of materials to support the mission, vision, goals, and objectives of the Library as delineated in its current Long Range Plan. The Boyle County Public Library subscribes to the Library Bill of Rights as endorsed by the American Library Association.


The Boyle County Public Library has elected to institute a one-time waiver of overdue fines and other miscellaneous fees. Find out more about the fine amnesty process here.

  • Eating food in the building, except under specific Library-approved circumstances, is not permitted. 
  • Drinks brought into the building are permitted only in tightly-sealed containers. 
  • Under no circumstances are food and drink permitted in the computer areas.
  • Criteria for food and drinks in the Meeting Rooms are set forth in the Meeting Room Policy.

The Library offers access to the Internet to everyone under the provisions of this policy. All users must agree to abide by the guidelines within this policy in order to use library computers. There will be no charge for access to the Internet. Patrons will be allowed access to the Internet on a walk-in basis during the Library’s normal operating hours. Reservations for time blocks are possible. The Library may limit a user’s time when others are waiting.


  1. The following activities are prohibited:

    • Displaying or accessing inappropriate matter, as defined below.

    • Harassing, insulting, or attacking others.

    • Damaging Library equipment or property in any form or fashion.

    • Violating copyright laws.

    • Unauthorized access, including hacking and other unlawful activities

  2. The Library reserves the right to terminate a patron’s access to the Internet for violation of these regulations, or violations of the Library Patron Behavior Policy.

  3. Internet access on Library computers is subject to content and malware filtering. Sites may be unblocked in the case of false-positives at the request of the patron. Sites may also be temporarily unblocked for patrons 18 years of age or older when necessary to enable access to bona fide research or other lawful purposes.  Unblocking shall be performed only on terminals in the less public areas of the Library. Users shall not permit minors to view inappropriate matter, and shall not leave the terminal when such matter is displayed.

  4. Parents and guardians signing on behalf of users under 18 years of age are responsible for the activity of the minors they sign for. The Library is unable to monitor internet usage of such minors on Library computers. Parents and guardians agree to assume the risk and  provide guidance in and set standards for Internet use by such minors. Parents and guardians are responsible for:

    • Preventing access to inappropriate material by minors. Internet filtering software is not completely effective in blocking access to inappropriate matter, there is still a risk that inappropriate or otherwise offensive matter may be accessed. 

    • Ensuring safety and security of minors when using e-mail, chat rooms, social media, and other electronic communication.

    • Preventing unauthorized access, including hacking and other unlawful activities by minors

    • Otherwise preventing disclosure of personal identification information of minors

  5. The Library can not guarantee the confidentiality of any information stored on Library computers or transmitted on the Library network. The Library respects the privacy of all electronic communications, and makes every effort to protect such privacy. However due to limitations in technology, electronic messages and stored data are inherently insecure. Additionally, in order to maintain, repair, or develop the Library network, IT staff will have reasonable access to the information in files and messages when necessary, as governed by the normal expectations of professional conduct.


This policy shall be reviewed as necessary or at least every five (5) years.


  1. “Inappropriate matter” means visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors.

  2. “Obscene” means obscene under the following three-part test set out by the United States Supreme Court in Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15 (1973):

    1. whether the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the work (taken as a whole) appeals to the “prurient” interest;

    2. whether the work depicts sexual conduct in a patently offensive way; and

    3. whether the work (taken as a whole) lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

  3. “Child pornography” means, as provided in 18 U.S.C. 1460, any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where:

    1. the production of such visual depiction involves the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct;

    2. such visual depiction is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct;

    3. such visual depiction has been created, adapted, or modified to appear that an identifiable minor is engaging in sexually explicit conduct; or

    4. such visual depiction is advertised, promoted, presented, described, or distributed in such a manner that conveys the impression that the material is or contains a visual depiction of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct.

  4. “Harmful to minors” means, as provided in the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that:

    1. taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion;

    2. depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals; and

    3. taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors.

In order to provide an atmosphere that is comfortable, convenient, and conducive to the appropriate use of library services and facilities, the Board of Trustees of the Boyle County Public Library has adopted the following policy regarding behavior while on Library property.

The following actions are not permitted:

1. Any act or conduct which violates Federal, State, or local laws, ordinances or regulations, or which violates Library policies.

2. Engaging in conduct or conversation which threatens, disturbs, or provokes the disruption of normal library operations or a library patron’s legitimate activities. 

3. Smoking, chewing tobacco, electronic and other alternative nicotine products, or any other usage of tobacco products in the building, Reading Garden, rotunda entryway, or outdoor fountain area.

4. Possession or consumption of alcohol or any illegal substances.

5. Selling of services or items, unless approved by the Library, or soliciting for services, money, or items.

6. Posting or distributing printed materials that have not been approved by the Library.

7. Bringing into the building animals, other than those designated as service animals.

8. Not wearing in the building shoes or shirts, or wearing clothing that provokes disruption of normal library operations.

9. Sleeping or loitering.

10. Extremely poor hygiene which disturbs or interferes with Library patrons’ or staff use of Library facilities.

11. Damaging, destroying, or stealing any Library property or the property of Library employees or Library visitors.

12. Adults using computers in the children’s area or lingering in the children’s area unless accompanying children.

13. Misuse of restrooms, water fountains, or outdoor fountains (including but not limited to bathing, shampooing, shaving, or laundering.)

14. Lack of supervision of a minor by a parent, legal guardian, or designated caregiver. Child safety guidelines are posted in the Children’s Library. Final responsibility for the actions of a minor rests with the parent or legal guardian. 

15. Eating food in the building except under specific Library-approved circumstances.  Drinks brought into the building are permitted only in tightly-sealed containers.  Under no circumstances are food and drink permitted in the computer areas. Criteria for food and drinks in the Meeting Rooms are set forth in the Meeting Room Policy.

16. Using electronic devices in any way that disturbs, disrupts, or hinders Library operations or any Library patron’s legitimate activities. Usage of Library computers requires acceptance of and adherence to the Library’s acceptable computer usage policy.


Failure to comply with the Library’s patron behavior policy may result in exclusion from the Library for a period of a minimum of one day. Serious offenses, including theft, destruction of property, and physical violence or the threat of physical violence will result in the involvement of law enforcement and appropriate legal action.

General Provisions and Usage Rules

The Boyle County Public Library welcomes the comments, posts, and messages of the community and recognizes and respects differences in opinion. However, all comments, posts, and messages will be periodically reviewed and the BCPL reserves the right to, but is not required to, remove any comment, post, or message that it deems inappropriate or off-topic.

BCPL is not responsible for or liable for any content posted by any participant in a Library social media forum who is not a member of the Library’s staff.

Users should have no expectation of privacy in postings on Library sponsored social media sites; by using such sites, you consent to the Library’s right to access, monitor, and read any postings on those sites. Users must understand that social media is permanent, retrievable, and public. Messages can potentially be read by anyone once posted. The Library recommends that users do not post their personal information or contact information on social media sites.

The Library reserves the right to reproduce comments, posts and messages in other public venues; such reproduction may be edited for space or content while retaining the original intent of the post.

  1. User feedback posted on a Library social networking site is welcomed. Such postings will be monitored regularly by Library staff for content and relevancy. Any postings containing inappropriate or inflammatory content will be removed. Examples of inappropriate content include:
  • Comments containing hate language, vulgar, obscene, or libelous language
  • Personal attacks, insults or threatening, or defamatory language
  • Sexual content or links to sexual content
  • Attacks on any ethnic, racial, economic, or religious groups
  • Content that reveals private, personal information without permission (doxing)
  • Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity
  • Plagiarized material
  • Commercial advertisements, comments, endorsements, or links not related to the discussion or spam
  • Off topic comments
  • Political advertisements or endorsements
  • Duplicated posts from the same individual
  • Copyright violations


  1. Content that is positive or negative and in context to the conversation will not be removed by the Library staff, whether the content is favorable or unfavorable to BCPL.
  2. BCPL assumes no liability regarding any event or interaction which may arise out of posted content.


  1. Users should be aware that third party websites have their own policies, including privacy policies, and should proceed accordingly.


  1. Any post, comment, etc. that expresses a threat to the safety of oneself or others will be reported to the appropriate authorities.


Full Policy

The Boyle County Public Library (BCPL) aims to provide a friendly and open place for everyone, in person and online. In your time interacting with us, you are certain to find many people with different experiences and beliefs than yours. We ask that you respect everyone you encounter and always consider the impact of your actions on others. Thank you for participating in our programs! 


Behavior Expectations during Virtual Programming


These expectations serve to ensure BCPL virtual programming channels (including, but not limited to Discord and Minecraft) have a positive, supportive, and friendly culture. 


  1. Discussions during programming conducted in online spaces should always maintain a tone of respect and civility.  
  2. No Memes.
  3. BCPL Programming holds a zero-tolerance policy regarding discrimination, harassment, or terroristic threatening. Bullying, discrimination, or harassment of any user or group (either in clear or coded language, or through links or images) is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. 
  4. To promote a welcoming environment for everyone, we ask that you refrain from engaging in conduct or conversation which threatens, disturbs, or provokes the disruption of normal library operations or a library patron’s legitimate activities, including but not limited to:  
    1. Personal attacks or name-calling 
    2. Passing judgment (be it on issues ranging from gameplay to lifestyles) 
    3. Inflammatory or abusive language (e.g. communication with the intent of provoking others) 
    4. Posting sexually explicit or extremely violent content 
    5. Distribution of someone's personal information (including, but not limited to: address, birthdate, or place of employment). 
    6. Engaging in or encouraging illegal activities (including, but not limited to: piracy, phishing, fraud). 
    7. Trolling, overt or passive aggression, spam 
    8. Abuse of the Report function 


Failure to comply with this policy, including any arrangements which are put in place under it, may lead to disciplinary action being taken, including, but not limited to bans from gameplay or periods of time where a player is muted. You may appeal a disciplinary measure in writing to the Director of the library, either through a letter mailed to 307 West Broadway, Danville, KY 40422, or via email at


Thank you for participating in our programs!